
erm start studing liau

erm today we alrealy start our group studying lu,they all come to my house today for study lu,before the studying start,my family and i go to Kl having our lunch and after that my dad bring my mum go to Pavilian there do facecial(dun know write)haiz so far ko,than we dun want wait we go to Leisuremall lu,they have many people at there today me also not realy know why lo because i just want buy this comic another i dun want care liau heh heh heh XD,and my dad go to the shop buy tea de sit and there drink tea,lol wait him so long,i call my friend 3.30Pm come my house de who know because of my dad wait untile 3.45PM we only go back home we study MT and BI lo because not enought time so that we maybe continue tommrrow haiz so sad,this group study maybe will do untile after SPM gua still have a very long time lo haiz .................... just hope this group study can help me lol because i too weak in all subject.....................

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